The support chat now has a new and improved look and feel, and is ready to once again take on your important questions!

Found at the bottom right side of your screen, a new button has popped up where you can either ask a staff member of the Makerspace, or our AI chatbot, anything related to the Makerspace and it’s facilities. Whether you’d like more information on 3D printing, whether or not we have welding equipment, or if you’d just like to know the opening hours, our team is at the ready to help!

To get started with a new support ticket, just pop your question into the chat box, and press either the “Support” button to get in contact with a human (I hope), or “AI” to ask our chatbot.
Do keep in mind that this system is still fresh out of the “programming oven”, and it might contain some bugs or unexpected answers from the chatbot, which will be straightened out over time as we go. For the most accurate information it is currently advised to use the “Support” button instead.
One of our staff members will report swiftly once a new request comes in (we have an actual light-bulb that will turn bright red!), but sometimes this might take a few minutes, so please be patient when submitting a request.

Please let us know if any issues arise while using this system, by just popping by the HMS, or sending us a bug report via our form.
See you in the next update!