Hey everyone and welcome (or welcome back) to campus! We hope you’re ready, because the Makerspace is back in action after the summer break, and we’ve got some awesome new stuff to share with you!

Got a question or need help with your project? We’ve just added a chat feature to our website, so now you can get real-time support from the Makerspace team! You can find this feature, with the following icon on the bottom right of the screen on our dashboard.
Meet our new Printer!
To kick things off, we’ve got a brand-new Prusa XL 3D Printer waiting for you. Whether you’re a seasoned maker or just curious, this printer is a game-changer when it comes to new dimensions. The Prusa XL can print with 5 different materials, in colors of your choice! With its 36x36x36 cm print area, you can dream big and create big!

If you want to use the Multi-Material feature on our Prusa XL, make sure to send us a 3D model made up of multiple “Parts” or “Objects.” This way, we can easily set up the different colors or materials for printing. Please mention in your ticket description that you’d like to use the Prusa XL!
But that’s just the beginning…
We’ve still got all the tools you love. Our laser cutters moved from the workshop to the electrical corner where you can now collect your finished laser cuts. and many of our printers moved to their own cabinet! You’re ready to show off your masterpiece? Check out our Makerspace Media Lab to capture the spirit of your project and to share it with the word!

Don’t forget, we’ve added a new chat feature on our website! It’s a quick and easy way to reach us, but you can also stop by in person during our opening hours or send us an email (makerspace@org.hanze.nl) if that works better for you. However you choose to connect, we’re here to help with your projects!
Meet some fellow makers, share ideas, and get creative. We are excited to see what you’ll come up with this year!
See you soon at the Hanze Makerspace!